You Can Change Your World. We Can Help
We train Christians to
change the world.
West Coast Baptist College provides you practical hands-on training through the local church, which will prepare you to effectively reach and impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Deepen your understanding and sharpen your skills
Serving a holy God demands excellence. The God of the Bible cares deeply about details. From our accreditation to our credentialed faculty and beyond, WCBC is committed to pursuing excellence and to training our students to do the same. This constant effort helps to ensure that when you graduate, you will not only be spiritually prepared and practically experienced, but you will also be equipped to excel in your field.

Student Experience
Nurture relationships and make memories
Some of the most enjoyable time you will spend at West Coast is when you can relax and hang out with friends in between classes, ministry, and work. There is a lot to do both on campus and off campus.

Ministry Life
Strengthen your faith and nourish your spirit
WCBC students understand that the local church is the center of New Testament ministry—including their own Bible college training. Ministry is not exclusively academic, and ministry training shouldn’t be either. WCBC is inextricably intertwined with Lancaster Baptist Church, a thriving, unaffiliated Baptist church in northern Los Angeles County with which WCBC shares staff, church services, and even its campus. This deep relationship follows the biblical model of local church ministry while providing open access to godly, experienced staff, so that when you leave, you’ll have practical experience in addition to your classroom knowledge.

Be mentored and challenged by godly leaders
Personal relationships are at the core of biblical discipleship. That’s why we prioritize people. We don’t just teach you how to go soulwinning: we go soulwinning and take you with us. We don’t just tell you to serve: we serve right next to you. When we eat in the dining hall, we don’t have our own area: we want to eat with you. The more you interact with WCBC, the more you will find that everything we do—from admissions to financial counseling to ministry placement your senior year and beyond—is focused squarely on helping you personally to find and fulfill your calling.