Lecture Series
Free online courses to expand your knowledge, deepen your insights, and refresh your understanding.
How does the program work?
West Coast lecture series allows you to take quality online college classes with a narrow focus according to your interests. Contact onlinelearning@wcbc.edu for questions.
Stay sharp. Keep growing. Continue developing.
In Philippians 3 the Apostle Paul acknowledged that he had not yet “apprehended.” He was still growing and pressing forward. When it comes to our biblical knowledge, most of us would have to admit we have not arrived yet either. WCBC lecture series can help you continue to grow and develop in key areas of biblical study.
New equipping for new opportunities.
If you are transitioning to a new position or moving to new ministry responsibilities, you might need new equipping. Taking a “refresher” course on topics that you have previously learned can help you be more effective for Christ.
Take only the classes or subjects you want.
Choose a topic that would be helpful to you and do a concentrated study of just that subject. There is no need to take unrelated required classes. Take as many or as few as you would like.
Turn your down time into growth time.
Listen to classes and learn material while you are traveling, exercising, or doing other chores. It is amazing how much you will learn during your down time.
Courses Available
This course is taught by Dr. Chappell to equip young men for the work of local church ministry. Students will gain both biblical and practical insights in areas such as Baptist church planting, discipleship, contemporary theology, servant leadership, staff training, and the administration of local church work.

Paul Chappell
Introduction to Biblical Counseling
WCBC is excited to offer this FREE online course, Introduction to Biblical Counseling, to anyone interested! Dr. George Crabb, a certified Biblical counselor and Mental Health Coach, will be instructing on how to practically apply the principles of the Bible to everyday struggles that people face.

George Crabb
Baptist History and Distinctives
This lecture series will survey the history of Baptist churches throughout the past two thousand years. Special emphasis will be placed on the historical distinctives of Baptists.

John Goetsch
Personal Evangelism
This lecture series is designed to help the individuals be an effective witness for the Lord. Instruction will be given on how to reach the lost with the Gospel.

Jerry Ferrso
This lecture series is designed to give the believer a system of principles to defend his faith, as well as present evidences that support the authenticity of the Christian worldview.

Tobi England
Old Testament Survey
This lecture series will give each individual an overview of the Old Testament. We will walk through each book, learn its significance, key words, key verses, key truths, and understand its broad outline and application for New Testament believers. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose. Passages of particular doctrinal significance will be examined and discussed. As this is a survey, it is merely introductory in nature.

Nathan Birt
New Testament Survey
This lecture series will give each individual an overview of the New Testament. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose of each book. This course will also examine the background and content of each book. Briefly mentioned will be the intertestamental period in order to place the ministry of Jesus Christ into a historical context.

Nick Piervicenti