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Church Ministries Concentration

Total Credit Hours
Average Completion Time
4 years

The church ministries concentration prepares men and ladies for a variety of local church-related ministries. This field of study is broad in nature for the purpose of giving the student exposure to many facets of ministry. It is designed for the student who is interested in youth work, Christian education, and music. The core requirements in Bible and practical studies are identical to the emphases in pastoral theology, evangelism, or missions. This page includes a prescribed sequence of course study for this concentration. This concentration is also available <a href="/academics/programs/online-bachelors-degree">online</a>.

Interesting Courses

Course ID
BI 102
Credit Hours

This class will give each student an overview of the New Testament. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose of each book. The student will develop a broad outline for each book. This course will also examine the background and content of each book. Briefly mentioned will be the intertestamental period in order to place the ministry of Jesus Christ into a historical context. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
PT 111
Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective witness for the Lord. Instruction will be given on how to reach the lost with the gospel. Students will be required to memorize key verses for bringing sinners to Christ and giving them biblical assurance of salvation. Every student must participate in the TEAM soulwinning program of Lancaster Baptist Church. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
AP 402
Credit Hours

This course looks at six historical approaches to ethical conflicts. Students will be required to know these approaches as they represent how people think in culture today. Students will evaluate each of these in light of scripture to determine a biblical approach to the ethical issues in life and ministry. Prerequisite: EN 102; 32 credits earned

Course ID
BI 401
Credit Hours

This course will survey the history of Baptist churches throughout the past two thousand years. Special emphasis will be placed on the historical distinctives of Baptists. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
VA 101
Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the students understand how a church as an organization effectively communicates both to its members and to its community in order to further the cause of Christ. The students will learn and understand the basics of creativity and communication, web development, church audio, print design, video production, and technology—all with a ministry-specific emphasis. Prerequisite: None

Key Faculty

Dr. John Goetsch

Executive Vice President

Paul Chappell

Founder and President

Rick Houk

Chair of Bible Department

Degree Plan


  • Freshman Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 101 Old Testament Survey 3.0
    EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1 3.0
    OR 101 Principles of Christian Living 2.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 111 Personal Evangelism 2.0
    SPCH 101 Freshman Speech 2.0
    YM 101 Philosophy of Youth Ministry 3.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Freshman Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 2.0
    BI 102 New Testament Survey 3.0
    BI 201 Life of Christ 3.0
    BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.0
    EN 102 Grammar and Composition 2 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    YM 113 Event Evangelism 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Sophomore Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 212 Romans 2.0
    BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.0
    BI 371 Theology 1 3.0
    HI 283 US History 1 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    VA 101 Media Foundations 2.0
    Math Elective 3.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Sophomore Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 211 Acts 2.0
    BI 372 Theology 2 3.0
    MI 101 Introduction to Missions 2.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 321 Homiletics 1 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 8 16.0
  • Junior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 250 Genesis 3.0
    BI 373 Theology 3 3.0
    BL 301 Greek 1 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 292 Sermon Preparation 2.0
    PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Junior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 301 Science and Faith 2.0
    BL 302 Greek 2 3.0
    HI 284 US History 2 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 322 Homiletics 2 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    Youth Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Senior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 401 Contemporary Theology 3.0
    BI 401 Baptist History and Distinctives 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 323 Homiletics 3 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Senior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 101 Apologetics 3.0
    AP 402 Biblical Ethics 2.0
    BC 216 Pastoral Counseling 2.0
    BI 313 The Book of Revelation 2.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    General Elective 3.0
    Total 7 16.0


  • Freshman Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 101 Old Testament Survey 3.0
    EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1 3.0
    OR 101 Principles of Christian Living 2.0
    PT 111 Personal Evangelism 2.0
    SPCH 101 Freshman Speech 2.0
    YM 101 Philosophy of Youth Ministry 3.0
    Total 6 15.0
  • Freshman Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 2.0
    BI 102 New Testament Survey 3.0
    BI 201 Life of Christ 3.0
    BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.0
    EN 102 Grammar and Composition 2 3.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    Total 6 16.0
  • Sophomore Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 212 Romans 2.0
    BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.0
    BI 371 Theology 1 3.0
    HI 283 US History 1 3.0
    VA 101 Media Foundations 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    Math Elective 3.0
    Total 7 17.0
  • Sophomore Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 211 Acts 2.0
    BI 372 Theology 2 3.0
    ED 226 Philosophy of Christian Education 2.0
    MI 101 Introduction to Missions 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    General Elective 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Junior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 250 Genesis 3.0
    BI 373 Theology 3 3.0
    CS 110 Basic Typing and Computers 2.0
    PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home 2.0
    PT 341 Bible Lesson Development 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Junior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 301 Science and Faith 2.0
    HI 284 US History 2 3.0
    PT 307 Professional Training 2.0
    PT 342 Bible Lesson Delivery 2.0
    YM 113 Event Evangelism 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    Youth Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Senior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 401 Contemporary Theology 3.0
    BI 401 Baptist History and Distinctives 3.0
    ED 251 Methods and Materials 3.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 6 16.0
  • Senior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 101 Apologetics 3.0
    AP 402 Biblical Ethics 2.0
    BC 217 Counseling Women 2.0
    BI 313 The Book of Revelation 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 7 16.0