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Course ID: PT 342

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will provide the basic tools required to prepare, organize, and communicate effectively the Word of God. This course will emphasize the proper interpretation of a passage and effective delivery. Each student will be given the opportunity to practice delivering lessons in the classroom. Prerequisite: EN 102, PT 341

Course Type: Practical Theology

Gender Restriction: Ladies Only

Course ID: PT 371

Credit Hours: 1.00

This course provides opportunities for practical, hands-on experience and preparation for a wide range of ministry applications (Ex. management, basic counseling, event planning, & communication) for students serving in a dormitory leadership position as a supervisor or assistant. It will utilize a variety of training times along with written projects/reports to supplement and assess the practical experiences of the role with an emphasis on servant leadership. This course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

Course Type: Practical Theology

Course ID: PT 378

Credit Hours: 2.00

The joy of every believer after salvation should be to see fruit that remains. This course will enable the student to discover the true purpose of the great commission and learn how they can reproduce their faith in another. An emphasis will be placed on doctrinal grounding and mentoring of each new believer. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Practical Theology

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: SC 101

Credit Hours: 3.00

Biology 1 is a three-credit course that initiates the WCBC secondary science series. All foundational biological concepts are taught in Christian perspective, including characteristics of life, cell structure, cell processes, and genetics. The false hypothesis of evolution is refuted biblically, logically, and scientifically. Special Creation is upheld consistently through the same approaches. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 102

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is a continuation of SC 101. This course will focus on the macroscopic study of people, plants, animals, and other organisms, including evidence for biblical creation. A fee of $60 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 101 with a grade of a “C-” or higher

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 201

Credit Hours: 2.00

This challenging course will give the student a basic understanding of the workings of the human body with emphasis on its organ systems. This course will encourage the student to appreciate God’s awesome power and genius in designing the human body. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 202

Credit Hours: 3.00

Physical Science is a foundation science class, along with Biology 1, for students seeking credits toward a secondary concentration or students taking it as a general elective. All basic physical and earth sciences are addressed in course lectures. These topics include geology and plate tectonics, meteorology, oceanography, motion, atomic theory, chemistry, and astronomy. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 301

Credit Hours: 3.00

Chemistry 1 is the fifth course of the WCBC eleven-course science concentration. In this course, the key concepts are: solutions & mixtures, reactions and their mass relationships, acid-base reactions & pH, gaseous states, heat movement, quantum theory, periodicity, bonding methods, and, finally, valence & hybridization of electrons and their bonds. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None; Corequisite: SC 315

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 302

Credit Hours: 3.00

Chemistry 2 is the seventh course of the WCBC eleven-course science concentration. In this course, the key concepts are: quantum number meaning, atomic and ionic radius impact, electron configuration, Lewis dot structure, oxidation numbers, colligative properties, crystalline arrangement, rate factors, acid-base neutralization, nuclear chemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. A fee of $20 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 301; Corequisite: SC 316

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 315

Credit Hours: 1.00

Topics of study are the MORE lab analysis method, water solution conductivity, precipitation reactions, solubility, acid/base reactions, and dry ice impact on acidity. Each week’s lab requires a report analyzing the observations made during the lab time. A fee of $40 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None; Corequisite: SC 301

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 316

Credit Hours: 1.00

Chemistry Lab 2 spans many topics of Chemistry 2, providing students hands-on understanding of redox reactions, colligative properties, rate factors, equilibrium, acid-base neutralization, crystal formation, and titration. Each lab requires a summary and analysis report. A fee of $40 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: SC 315; Corequisite: SC 302

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 401

Credit Hours: 3.00

Physics 1 is designed to establish a foundation in physics and scientific thinking as the wonderful orderliness of Creation is explored. This course will give the student a basic understanding of the laws of physics and the knowledge required to teach them to others. All instruction will be given with the understanding that God is in control of the universe, and the laws of physics are a result of His perfect design. Prerequisite: MA 210

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 402

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course requires SC 401 and is an advanced continuation of the same. As such, it is designed to help you expand your foundation in physics and in scientific thinking as you gain an appreciation for the God-ordained orderliness of the physical laws of Creation. Students will be challenged to relate the knowledge gained in SC 401 to other physical domains. Prerequisite: MA 210 and SC 401

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SC 410

Credit Hours: 3.00

Teaching Elementary Science is an upper-level science education class designed to train and equip teachers at both the lower and upper elementary levels so that they will not only know and communicate scientific principles effectively, but also that they will relate course content in the form of spiritual applications in order to help their students grow in their walks with the Lord. Students will teach multiple times to allow for evaluation and improvement to occur as the semester progresses. Prerequisite: 3 credits of science; 64 credits earned

Course Type: Science

Course ID: SC 420

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will give the student an opportunity to prepare and teach secondary science material for the Christian School. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Science

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SP 101

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will introduce the student to the language of Spanish. Concentration will be placed on the present tense, progressive tense, vocabulary, and the memorization of the Roman’s Road. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Spanish

Course ID: SP 102

Credit Hours: 3.00

In this course, concentration will be placed on the preterite tense, imperfect tense, commands, vocabulary, and additional Bible verses for memory. A brief personal testimony will be written and presented in front of the class in Spanish. Prerequisite: SP 101 with a grade of a “C-” or higher

Course Type: Spanish

Course ID: SPCH 101

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed as an introduction to speech communication. It will give the student the skills needed to properly prepare and deliver an effective speech. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 102

Credit Hours: 2.00

This advanced speech course is designed to take the student beyond the fundamentals of speech as taught in SPCH 101. Special emphasis will be placed on giving the student an understanding of how to use his voice and body movements to communicate truth. Whether preaching a sermon, teaching a lesson, sharing the gospel, or telling a story, Interpretive Speech is designed to make your message come alive. Prerequisite: SPCH 101

Course ID
SPCH 101
Course Name
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 211

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to help the beginning actor acquire the necessary tools to effectively communicate through a dramatic production. Concentration will be placed on developing a proper characterization of a role through inner and outer motivation. The course will not only help the student learn to act individually, but also develop group skills as required in a dramatic play. Prerequisite: SPCH 101

Course ID
SPCH 101
Course Name
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 302

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will instruct the student in the direction of plays, programs, and dramatic readings that can be used in ministry. The basis and purpose of drama in ministry, the director, stage composition, stage movement, interpretation, casting, rehearsals, and performance will be studied. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 310

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is aimed at equipping the student with the skills needed to stand in defense of the faith. Taking a stand for Christ in these last days is difficult and it is important that Christians not only hold the right position, but also the right disposition. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 360

Credit Hours: 2.00

Students will study the art of storytelling, writing original stories, and presenting these stories orally. The emphasis of this course will allow students to learn to use storytelling in the classroom (or other arenas of ministry) for preparation of curriculum, principles of writing compositions, and oral class presentations. Prerequisite: EN 102 and SPCH 101

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 401

Credit Hours: 3.00

The final two semesters in the speech proficiency are dedicated to helping the student through a series of private lessons to write, prepare, and present a Speech Recital. SPCH 401 (first semester) will be devoted primarily to the choosing and writing of the recital with special emphasis on the development of the characters within the story line. The first semester lessons will be group lessons with all of the speech students meeting together. SPCH 402 (second semester) will focus on the final preparation of the script, memorization, and finally the presentation of the recital. Prerequisite: SPCH 101; 80 credits earned

Course ID
SPCH 101
Course Name
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: SPCH 402

Credit Hours: 3.00

The final two semesters in the speech proficiency are dedicated to helping the student through a series of private lessons to write, prepare, and present a Speech Recital. SPCH 401 (first semester) will be devoted primarily to the choosing and writing of the recital with special emphasis on the development of the characters within the story line. The first semester lessons will be group lessons with all of the speech students meeting together. SPCH 402 (second semester) will focus on the final preparation of the script, memorization, and finally the presentation of the recital. Prerequisite: SPCH 101; 80 credits earned

Course ID
SPCH 101
Course Name
Credit Hours

Course Type: Speech

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency


Credit Hours: 0.00

This is a unique course designed to give students an opportunity to practice and perform monologues, reader’s theater, and short dramatic plays at various college events. SPCH 101 is the minimum prerequisite for this course and a desire to obtain a speech proficiency is preferred although not required. Class members are chosen after an audition with the instructor. Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

Course Type: Speech

Course ID: VA 101

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to help the students understand how a church as an organization effectively communicates both to its members and to its community in order to further the cause of Christ. The students will learn and understand the basics of creativity and communication, web development, church audio, print design, video production, and technology—all with a ministry-specific emphasis. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Visual Arts

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: VA 102

Credit Hours: 2.00

Students will learn to use Adobe Photoshop and digital imaging techniques for compositing and stylistic manipulation when integrating imagery into a larger design aesthetic. Emphasis will be placed upon establishing page layout, graphics manipulation, and pre-press skills. Projects will be given to reinforce the use of application features and equip the student to effectively use these technologies in design and in preparation for other media courses. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Visual Arts

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 371

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is primarily comprised of independent student work. Students will propose a large visual arts project—either to assist their home churches, to explore a new visual arts discipline, or to bolster their portfolios—and work through a series of milestones where they will check in their work in progress with their supervising instructor for feedback and direction. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, VA 221, and 64 credits earned

Course Type: Visual Arts

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 372

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is primarily comprised of independent student work. Students will propose a large visual arts project—either to assist their home churches, to explore a new visual arts discipline, or to bolster their portfolios—and work through a series of milestones where they will check in their work in progress with their supervising instructor for feedback and direction. This level 2 course can either be a continuation of the previous project if the project is sufficiently rigorous or be a new project entirely. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, VA 221, and 64 credits earned

Course Type: Visual Arts

Course ID: VA 481

Credit Hours: 3.00

This internship in visual arts is performed during the academic semester and on the campus. Students will be paired with approved ministries in accordance with their individual skill sets and the ministry’s specific needs. Students will complete practical projects in their disciplines for the benefiting ministry and keep a log of the hours and work completed which is turned in to the supervising instructor at regular intervals. Throughout the internship, students will gain practical experience by creating pieces that could be included in their capstone portfolio and will study principles of leadership and professionalism in visual arts. Each student must complete an application for internship during the previous semester in order to be enrolled in the internship course. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, and VA 371

Course Type: Visual Arts

Course ID: VA 498

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to provide the student with guidance in creating visual arts projects for inclusion in a portfolio that could be presented to a potential hiring ministry. This portfolio will showcase the student’s work throughout his visual arts training. Students will receive assignments and instruction in-class and work through the necessary projects given throughout the course. This 2-credit course is taken as part of a visual arts proficiency. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, VA 221, VA 324, VA 101, and VA 102; 96 credits earned; and VA 223, VA 324, VA 425, VA 231, VA 234, VA 333, VA 335, VA 141, VA 142, or VA 244

Course Type: Visual Arts

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 499

Credit Hours: 4.00

This course is designed to provide the student with guidance in creating visual arts projects for inclusion in two portfolios that could be presented to a potential hiring ministry. These portfolios will showcase the student’s work throughout his visual arts training. Students will receive assignments and instruction in-class and work through the necessary projects given throughout the course. This 4-credit course is taken as part of the visual arts concentration. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, and 96 credits earned

Course Type: Visual Arts

Course ID: VA 141

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course covers the basics of photography, broken into five distinct sections that will build on each other to give the student a range of technical knowledge and real-world experience of photography, and show how to use these skills in ministry applications. The history of photography, controlling exposure, the laws of composition, basic post-processing, and final output of images will all be covered during the course. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Visual Production

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 142

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to provide advanced training in photography, including studio lighting, advanced editing and post-processing techniques using industry-standard software, and more extensive hands-on training through photography workshops and active participation in studio events. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 141

Course Type: Visual Production

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 244

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will demonstrate the power of video in communication, as well as techniques necessary to achieve the best results. Students will learn how to operate a video camera system, how to edit and correct video using industry standard software, and how to communicate through the video medium. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 141

Course Type: Visual Production

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 446

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to elevate students' proficiency in video creation through hands-on, practical application, and a historical study of cinema. Building upon the foundational skills acquired in Video Production 1, this course delves deeper into the art and science of video storytelling, cinematography, and post-production techniques. Students will explore advanced camera operations, lighting setups, and sound design to enhance visual narratives. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, and VA 244

Course Type: Visual Production

Course ID: YM 101

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course introduces the basic philosophy, principles, and objectives in developing a Bible-based local church youth ministry. This course will review various options for ministering to youth, including camps, Sunday school, retreats, and youth evangelism. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Youth

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: YM 102

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is a continuation of YM 101 and will deal with some of the more intricate areas of youth work. The ministry of the youth pastor and the youth pastor's wife will be studied. A balanced approach to youth work will be taught emphasizing preaching, activities, and Christian service. These ministries will be related to Christian school, public school, and home-schooled teenagers.

Course Type: Youth

Course ID: YM 113

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to show students how to complement their door-to-door soulwinning efforts with special events for evangelism. Students will learn how to organize a vacation Bible school, a bus ministry, a youth camp, and special “big day” events at a local church. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Youth

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: YM 210

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will instruct the student in practical and biblical ways to “Live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) Steps will be given to equip saints to fulfill the Lord’s joy “That ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind...” (Philippians 2:2) in ministry. Furthermore, the student will be able to understand in a relational way what it means to have the mind of Christ. In the trenches of ministry, interpersonal relationships with fellow laborers are imperative. This class will give principles of communication, correction, and compassion that will make a difference in their calling. If teamwork makes the dream work, this class is the “how to” on teamwork. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Youth

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies