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Chapel Sermons

Message Preached On
Travis Colins - Motives Matter
Tate Throndson - How Can A Living God Let Suffering Continue?
Dr Nathan Birt - Neglect Not The Gift
Dr. Mark Rassmussen - Walk Worthily And Walk Carefully
John Ray - Becoming A Courageous Champion
Thomas Shepard - Having Courage In Ministry
Dr. Paul Chappell - Standing Strong in the Lord's Calling
Mitchell Crittengen - Fallen Into The Trap Of Performance
Nick Piervicenti - Are You Completely Surrendered?
Pastor Jason Wiley - Don't Be Afraid To Ask God Questions
Dr. Paul Chappell - Getting Ready For The New Year
Rudy Abrot - Remember The Passing Moments
Dan Jessup - Are You A Servant
Daniel Cox - He Is Worthy
Clark Graham - The New Man
Jeremy Kobernat - Having Faith
Jamie Smithy - Trusting God And His Will
Ryan Thompson - A New Type Of Leader
Dennis Fountain - Stop Living In The Nursery
Paul Choi - Having A Passion For Souls
Dr. Paul Chappell - Motives Matter
Gerry Nable - Rehearsing And Rejoicing With What God Has Done
Ricardo Portillo - A Passion For God
Keegan Moodley - Getting Somebody To Jesus
Jason Tate - Serving A Risen Savior
Dr. Kevin Foldger - How Deep Are You Willing To Go For Jesus
Dean Herring - Throw It To The Front Of The Bus
Dr. John Goetsch - Don't Let Your Sin Cause You To Backslide
Dr Paul Chappell - The Call Of The Ministry
Dr. Nathan Birt - The Highest Place
Kurt Beard - Have Faith In God
Tom Barlament - Living By Faith When It's Uncomfortable
Tom Cantor - Reaching The Jewish People
Clark Bosher - God Is Preparing You
Dr. Tobi England - Our Response To The Sin That Is Around Us
Dr. Paul Chappell - Christ And His Church
Dr. Nathan Birt - Between Two Fears
Jerry Ferrso - Reaching The Lord
Scott McFetters - Taking Care Of The Strongholds Of Life
Eric Sanders - Dealing With Difficult Times
Jim Schettler - Walk By Faith
Stephen Michel - Focus
Paul Schwanke - Is The Bible Enough?
Chris Edwards - Stay With Jesus
Dr. Jim Schettler - The Third Person Of The Trinity
Ben Youngren - The Tale Of Two Kings
9 - 21 - 23 Dr. Mark Rasmussen - The Example Of Epaphroditus
Scott Hooks - The Hand Of My God Is Good Upon Me
Peter Mordh - Reaching People Is Our Priority
Dr. Paul Chappell - Pursuing God's Will For Your Life