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Enrollment Types Full Semester Term A Term B
Semester Dates Semester Dates Semester Dates
Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree 2024 Fall
Online Bachelor's Degree 2024 Fall
2024 Fall
2024 Fall
Get Ahead 2024 Fall
2024 Fall
Master's Degree 2024 Fall
2024 Fall

On Campus - 2024 Fall Semester On Campus

1st Hour Courses (7:00 AM-8:30 AM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
YM 101 Philosophy of Youth Ministry (Term A) 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jim Schettler
1st Hour Courses (7:30 AM-8:25 AM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
AP 401 Contemporary Theology 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Nathan Birt
BC 216 Pastoral Counseling (Men Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs Gary Spaeth
BC 401 Biblical Counseling: Advanced Topics 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri George Crabb
BL 301 (A) Greek 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Daniel Cox
BU 201 Principles of Administration 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Dierdra Lake
CS 101 Computer Applications 2.00 Tues, Thurs David Warren
ED 304 Teaching Reading 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Kathy Houk
ED 337 Elementary Classroom Management 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jennifer Thomas
ED 403 Classroom Technology 2.00 Tues, Thurs Zach Glenning
EN 410 Teaching Secondary English 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Marie Cox
EV 210 History of Revivals 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri John Goetsch
HI 281 (A) History of Civilization 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Deborah Demirjian
HI 283 US History 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Mark Rasmussen
HI 411 American Government 2.00 Tues, Thurs Deborah Demirjian
MA 301 Calculus 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tom Weadock
MI 101 Introduction to Missions 2.00 Tues, Thurs James Smithey
MU 123 Sight Singing and Ear Training 1 1.00 Tues, Thurs
PT 107 Principles of Leadership: David 2.00 Mon, Wed Toby Weaver
PT 108 Principles of Leadership: Paul 2.00 Tues, Thurs Toby Weaver
PT 111 Personal Evangelism 2.00 Mon, Wed Jerry Ferrso
PT 307 Professional Training 2.00 Tues, Thurs Mark Rasmussen
SC 101 Biology 1 3.00 Tues, Thurs
SPCH 101 (A) Freshman Speech 2.00 Tues, Thurs Malachi England
SPCH 102 Interpretive Speech 2.00 Tues, Thurs John Goetsch
2nd Hour Courses (8:35 AM-9:30 AM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
AP 101 Apologetics 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tobi England
AP 301 Science and Faith 2.00 Tues, Thurs Daniel Cox
AP 402 Biblical Ethics 2.00 Tues, Thurs John Goetsch
BC 217 Counseling Women (Ladies Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs Marie Cox
BC 402 Biblical Counseling: Marriage 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri George Crabb
BI 250 Genesis 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Mark Rasmussen
BI 312 The Book of Daniel 2.00 Mon, Wed Rick Houk
BI 361 Theology 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Paul Choi
BI 465 Tabernacles, Feasts, and Offerings 2.00 Tues, Thurs Rick Houk
BL 401 Greek 3 3.00 Tues, Thurs Gary Spaeth
CS 102 Secretarial Computer 1 2.00 Wed, Fri Marie Cox
CS 223 The Administrative Assistant 2.00 Mon Lisa Stoner
EN 101 (A) Grammar and Composition 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Zach Glenning
EN 102 (A) Grammar and Composition 2 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Anna Gregory
EN 102 (B) Grammar and Composition 2 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Heidi Haynes
EN 403 Shakespearean Literature 2.00 Tues, Thurs Anna Gregory
HI 281 (B) History of Civilization 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Deborah Demirjian
MA 101 Algebra 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tom Weadock
MI 201 Philosophy of Missions 2.00 Tues, Thurs James Smithey
MI 341 Cultural Anthropology 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri James Smithey
MU 100 Rudiments of Music 2.00 Tues, Thurs
MU 121 Music Theory 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri
MU 223 Music Technology 2.00 Tues, Thurs
MU 302 History of Western Music 2.00 Tues, Thurs Alis Odenthal
PT 115 Principles of Leadership: Life of Joseph 2.00 Tues, Thurs Toby Weaver
PT 292 Sermon Preparation (Men Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs Paul Choi
SC 301 Chemistry 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Larry Cox
SPCH 101 (B) Freshman Speech 2.00 Mon, Wed Malachi England
SPCH 101 (C) Freshman Speech 2.00 Tues, Thurs Malachi England
VA 101 Media Foundations 2.00 Mon, Wed Nathan Morton
VA 221 Graphic Design 1 2.00 Tues, Thurs Nathan Morton
VA 223 Typography 2.00 Mon, Wed Cecilia Villarreal
ED 402 (A) Teaching Bible to Children (Term A) 2.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Marilee Schettler
ED 441 Education Evaluation (Term A) 2.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jennifer Thomas
ED 450 Integrating the Bible into All Subjects (Term A) 1.00 Tues, Thurs Jennifer Thomas
3rd Hour Courses (11:00 AM-11:55 AM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor Classroom
AP 101 Apologetics 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tobi England Revels 207
BI 101 (A) Old Testament Survey 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Nathan Birt
BI 112 Women of the Bible (Ladies Only) 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Rita Weaver
BI 212 Romans 2.00 Mon, Wed David Adams
BI 220 Pauline Epistles 2.00 Tues, Thurs David Adams
BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.00 Mon, Wed Paul Choi
BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.00 Tues, Thurs Rick Houk
BI 363 Theology 3 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Rick Houk
BL 301 (B) Greek 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Gary Spaeth
CP 101 Introduction to Church Planting (Men Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs James Smithey
CS 110 Basic Typing and Computers 2.00 Mon, Wed Suza Rasmussen
CS 231 Business Communications 2.00 Tues, Thurs Rita Weaver
ED 251 Methods and Materials 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jennifer Thomas
EN 100 (A) English Foundations 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Brandy England
EN 101 (B) Grammar and Composition 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Heidi Haynes
EN 101 (C) Grammar and Composition 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Zach Glenning
EN 201 Advanced Composition and Grammar 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Anna Gregory
EN 422 English Portfolio 3.00 Tues, Thurs Amy Cox
EV 301 Evangelism Practices and Methods (Men Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs John Goetsch
HI 401 Teaching Elementary History 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Deborah Demirjian
MA 100 (A) College Math 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tom Weadock
MU 221 Music Theory 3 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri
MU 491 Music Education Seminar 1 3.00 Tues
OR 101 Principles of Christian Living 2.00 Tues, Thurs Mark Rasmussen
PT 322 Homiletics 2 (Men Only) 2.00 Tues, Thurs Nathan Birt
SP 101 Spanish 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Amy Cox
VA 141 Photography 1 2.00 Tues, Thurs Nathan Morton
VA 231 Web Development 1 2.00 Mon, Wed
ED 430 Education Seminar (Term A) 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Mark Rasmussen, Larry Cox
ED 451 Practical Teaching Methods (Term A) 1.00 Tues, Thurs Larry Cox
4th Hour Courses (12:05 PM-1:00 PM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
BC 222 Preventative Youth Counseling 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Marie Cox
BI 101 (B) Old Testament Survey 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Nathan Birt
BI 201 Life of Christ 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Gary Spaeth
BI 211 Acts 2.00 Mon, Wed James Smithey
BL 301 (C) Greek 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri David Adams
BU 221 Church Finance and Accounting 2.00 Tues, Fri Dierdra Lake
EN 100 (B) English Foundations 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Brandy England
EN 101 (D) Grammar and Composition 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Heidi Haynes
EN 280 American Literature 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Anna Gregory
EN 404 Children's Literature 2.00 Tues, Thurs Amy Cox
HI 402 Teaching Secondary History 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Deborah Demirjian
MA 100 (B) College Math 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tom Weadock
MA 201 Geometry 3.00 Tues, Thurs Larry Cox
MU 150 Voice Class 1.00 Tues, Thurs
MU 481 Church Music Seminar 1 3.00 Tues
PT 100 Practical Theology (Men Only) 1.00 Thurs Paul Chappell, Daniel Blehm
PT 321 Homiletics 1 (Men Only) 2.00 Mon, Wed John Goetsch
PT 323 Homiletics 3 (Men Only) 2.00 Mon, Wed Paul Choi
SC 420 Teaching Secondary Science 2.00 Mon, Wed Larry Cox
SPCH 101 (D) Freshman Speech 2.00 Tues, Fri Malachi England
VA 212 Digital Storytelling 2.00 Tues, Thurs Nathan Morton
VA 244 Video Production 1 3.00 Mon, Wed Larry Chappell, Jared Poledna
VA 425 Branding Design 2.00 Mon, Wed Cecilia Villarreal
5th Hour Courses (1:30 PM-2:00 PM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
MUSIC Piano Performance Class (Private Piano Lessons) 1.00 Wed
MUSIC Voice Performance Class (Private Voice Lessons) 1.00 Wed
5th Hour Courses (1:30 PM-2:25 PM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
ED 226 Philosophy of Christian Education 2.00 Tues, Thurs Amy Cox
MA 402 Teaching Secondary Math 2.00 Tues, Thurs Larry Cox
SC 401 Physics 1 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Tom Weadock
SC 410 Teaching Elementary Science 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jennifer Thomas
VA 110 Creative Thinking 2.00 Mon, Wed Nathan Morton
5th Hour Courses (1:30 PM-3:00 PM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
BI 110 Survey of Bible Doctrines (Term A) 3.00 Mon, Wed, Fri Jim Schettler
ED 402 (B) Teaching Bible to Children (Term A) 2.00 Tues, Thurs Marilee Schettler
7th Hour Courses (7:00 PM-9:00 PM)
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
AP 201 Comparative Religions 2.00 Mon David Adams
BI 401 Baptist History and Distinctives 3.00 Mon John Goetsch
HE 101 Meal Preparation 1 2.00 Mon Suza Rasmussen
HE 310 Clothing Construction 1 2.00 Mon Amy Cox
HI 220 Revolutionary War History 3.00 Mon Randy Wells
BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling (Term A) 2.00 Wed Jim Schettler
BI 321 The Book of Joshua (Term A) 2.00 Tues Jim Schettler
PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home (Term A) 2.00 Mon Jim Schettler
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
CS 401 Office Practicum 3.00
MU 371 Ensemble 1.00
SC 315 Chemistry Lab 1 1.00 Larry Cox
SPCH 401 Private Speech/Drama Lessons 1 3.00 John Goetsch
SPCH 402 Private Speech/Drama Lessons 2 3.00 John Goetsch
SPEECH Drama Club (by audition) 0.00 John Goetsch
VA 371 Visual Arts Lab/Practicum 1 3.00 Nathan Morton
VA 481 Visual Arts Internship 3.00 Natalie Chadwick
VA 498 Visual Arts Portfolio (non-Visual Arts degrees only) 2.00 Natalie Chadwick
VA 499 Visual Arts Portfolio (Visual Arts degree only) 4.00 Natalie Chadwick
ED 411 Internal Student Teaching (Term B) 9.00 Larry Cox, Jennifer Thomas
ED 412 External Student Teaching (Term B) 9.00 Jennifer Thomas, Larry Cox
Times Vary
Course Code Course Name Credit Day Instructor
MU 315 Choral Conducting 1 2.00 Mon Rica Silbol
MU 461 Instrumental Methods 1 2.00 Mon Andrea Lizarde, Stephen Voshall
MU 110 Freshman Fifteen (by audition) 1.00 Thurs
MU 301 (O) West Coast Orchestra 1.00 Thurs Stephen Voshall
MU 301 (C) West Coast Choir 1.00 Thurs Daniel Cox
MU 368 Teaching Elementary Music 2.00 Mon Rica Silbol

Online - 2024 Summer Bachelor's Full Semester

Full Semester
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
BL 302 Greek 2 3.00 Gary Spaeth View Books
BL 402 Greek 4 3.00 Gary Spaeth View Books
Term A
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 2.00 Malachi England View Books
BC 218 Christian Ministry Counseling 2.00 Mark Bodanza View Books
BI 101 Old Testament Survey 3.00 Malachi England View Books
BI 110 Survey of Bible Doctrines 3.00 Zach Glenning View Books
BI 211 Acts 2.00 Joe Shakour View Books
BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.00 Charles England View Books
BI 361 Theology 1 3.00 Paul Choi View Books
BI 363 Theology 3 3.00 Paul Choi View Books
CP 101 Introduction to Church Planting 2.00 James Smithey View Books
EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1 3.00 Heidi Haynes View Books
HI 283 US History 1 3.00 Randy Wells View Books
MA 100 College Math 3.00 Dierdra Lake View Books
MI 101 Introduction to Missions 2.00 Mike Ivey View Books
PT 292 Sermon Preparation 2.00 Nathan Birt View Books
PT 307 Professional Training 2.00 Malachi England View Books
YM 113 Event Evangelism 2.00 Malachi England View Books
Term B
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
AP 101 Apologetics 3.00 Tobi England View Books
AP 301 Science and Faith 2.00 Daniel Cox View Books
AP 401 Contemporary Theology 3.00 Nathan Birt View Books
BC 102 General Principles of Biblical Counseling 3.00 George Crabb View Books
BC 320 Biblical Counseling: Conflict Resolution 3.00 George Crabb View Books
BI 102 New Testament Survey 3.00 Ryan Scoggins View Books
BI 112 Women of the Bible 3.00 Marie Cox View Books
BI 201 Life of Christ 3.00 Ryan Scoggins View Books
BI 212 Romans 2.00 David Adams View Books
BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.00 Zach Glenning View Books
BI 362 Theology 2 3.00 David Adams View Books
BI 364 Theology 4 3.00 Rick Houk View Books
EN 102 Grammar and Composition 2 3.00 Heidi Haynes View Books
HI 284 US History 2 3.00 Randy Wells View Books
MI 201 Philosophy of Missions 2.00 Mike Ivey View Books
MI 444 Practical Missions Preparation 2.00 Bryan Stensaas View Books
PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home 2.00 Dave Delaney View Books
SPCH 101 Freshman Speech 2.00 Malachi England View Books
VA 101 Media Foundations 2.00 Natalie Chadwick View Books

Online - 2024 Summer Master's Term A

Term A
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
BI 511 Apologetics and Worldview 3.00 Tobi England View Books
BI 511 Apologetics and Worldview 3.00 Tobi England View Books
ED 511 The Exceptional Child 3.00 David Warren View Books
EN 501 Research and Writing 3.00 Jennifer Blake View Books
PT 511 Servant Leadership 3.00 David Adams View Books
Term B
Course Code Course Name Credit Instructor
BI 512 Systematic Theology 3.00 Gary Spaeth View Books
ED 501 Learning Theories 3.00 Amanda McKelroy View Books
PT 512 Spiritual Formation and Discipleship 3.00 Jim Schettler View Books