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Spiritual Life

Encouraging a Personal Walk with God

Personal Growth

For the student at West Coast, the college experience depends upon the spiritual condition of the heart. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matthew 6:33. West Coast does not exist only to train the mind or the body, but to touch the heart. Chapel services are held regularly and attendance is required. All church services are mandatory because it is our belief that the most important classroom is the church auditorium. Every class period begins with prayer and devotions are held in the dormitories.

Students are challenged and asked regularly about their Bible reading and prayer life. It is through required participation in a local church ministry and weekly soulwinning outreach that our students are being developed and trained in areas of evangelism and discipleship.

Modeled Growth

Chapel services are held on campus and have become the highlight of college life. Students regularly hear the preaching of Pastor Chappell and Dr. Goetsch. Every week, pastors, evangelists, and missionaries are brought in for the sole purpose of challenging the hearts of our students from God’s Word. God touches hearts through these services as hundreds of students are seen on their knees after every message making life-changing decisions.

An open-door policy is maintained by all members of the Administration, and students are encouraged to seek out help with the spiritual battles that they face. The Christian life is taught, modeled, and mentored through the dedicated staff and faculty of both Lancaster Baptist Church and West Coast Baptist College on a daily basis.

Spiritual Growth in a Local Church

At West Coast Baptist College, we understand that God has chosen the local church to be His instrument for reaching this world. Our students are taught not only to study the ministry during the week, but also to be involved in the ministry during the weekend. Our students help in Sunday school classes, bus classes, retirement homes, weekly soulwinning opportunities, and much more. Our goal is to develop Christian leaders who know the importance of serving.

While attending West Coast, students will be exposed to the multi-faceted ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church. Each student will be involved minimally in three hours of a weekly ministry. If a student is traveling to another church for their weekly ministry, a letter from the pastor must be given to the Dean’s office explaining his ministry responsibilities. The training received from real ministry experience is worth the price of an education in itself. Upon graduation, we believe our graduates will be able to step into the void of servant leaders and help claim a generation for Christ.

The pulpit of Lancaster Baptist Church is the most important teaching lectern in the college and the church services are the most important classroom on campus. Soul-stirring music and powerful Bible preaching are a combination that God uses over and over in our students’ lives.

The church services allow students not only to be challenged personally, but also to see a vibrant, growing, and caring church family that is dedicated to the ministry of reaching people for Jesus Christ. Members of Lancaster Baptist Church go out of their way to pray for and encourage our students in every way.

Chapel Sermons

Listen to past chapel messages online.
