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Music Education Concentration

Total Credit Hours
Average Completion Time
4 years

This concentration includes study in general musicianship, worship theology, music education, and performance proficiency. Every music major selects either a Church Music or Music Education concentration and a musical proficiency in voice, piano, or another instrument of choice. Both programs require the same Bible and general education core.

The Music Education program focuses on educational philosophy, pedagogical approaches, and hands-on training for music education. In addition to the Bible and general education core, Music Education students are required to take educational courses in classroom management, educational technology, tests and measurements, all for the purpose of preparing this student for the classroom as much as for their performance as musicians.

Interesting Courses

Course ID
MU 368
Credit Hours

This course is designed to help students learn principles of teaching elementary music in a classroom arena as well as how to prepare lesson plans and educational objectives. Students will teach sample lessons. Confidence in the classroom is emphasized in this course. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
MU 315
Credit Hours

This course introduces the student to the art and mechanics of choral conducting. The course explores the basic conducting patterns, left hand technique, non-verbal communication, leadership, musical terminology, expressive gestures, and score study. This course will develop important conducting techniques necessary for choir directors and congregational song leaders in local church ministry. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
MU 491
Credit Hours

This course is a prerequisite to the music education program capstone course, Music Education Seminar 2. This course covers a variety of topics related to music education and educational leadership. Students will examine current scholarship and issues in music education. In addition to the helpful discussions, each student will observe music classes at Lancaster Baptist School and/or approved external locations in preparation for the teaching portion of Music Education Seminar 2. Prerequisite: EN 102, MU 131, MU 133, MU 150, MU 316, and MU 368

Key Faculty

Rica Silbol


Andrea Lizarde


Alis Odenthal


Degree Plan

  • Freshman Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 101 Old Testament Survey 3.0
    EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1 3.0
    MU 121 Music Theory 1 3.0
    MU 123 Sight Singing and Ear Training 1 1.0
    MU 301 West Coast Choir and Orchestra 1.0
    OR 101 Principles of Christian Living 2.0
    PT 111 Personal Evangelism 2.0
    Total 7 15.0
  • Freshman Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 102 New Testament Survey 3.0
    EN 102 Grammar and Composition 2 3.0
    MU 131 Music Theory 2 3.0
    MU 133 Sight Singing and Ear Training 2 1.0
    MU 202 Survey of Western Music 2.0
    MU 301 West Coast Choir and Orchestra 1.0
    SPCH 101 Freshman Speech 2.0
    Total 7 15.0
  • Sophomore Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.0
    HI 283 US History 1 3.0
    MU 150 Voice Class 1.0
    MU 221 Music Theory 3 3.0
    MU 223 Music Technology 2.0
    MU 301 West Coast Choir and Orchestra 1.0
    MU 302 History of Western Music 2.0
    Choose from Music Education Proficiency 3.0
    Total 8 17.0
  • Sophomore Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 301 Science and Faith 2.0
    BI 372 Theology 2 3.0
    HI 284 US History 2 3.0
    MU 231 Music Theory 4 3.0
    MU 233 Keyboard Harmony 1.0
    MU 301 West Coast Choir and Orchestra 1.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    Choose from Music Education Proficiency 3.0
    Total 8 17.0
  • Junior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 371 Theology 1 3.0
    MU 315 Choral Conducting 1 2.0
    MU 368 Teaching Elementary Music 2.0
    MU 461 Instrumental Methods 1 2.0
    Choose from Music Education Proficiency 3.0
    Math Elective 3.0
    Total 6 15.0
  • Junior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    ED 337 Elementary Classroom Management 3.0
    ED 403 Classroom Technology 2.0
    MU 316 Choral Conducting 2 2.0
    MU 402 Philosophy of Church Music 2.0
    MU 462 Instrumental Methods 2 2.0
    Choose from Music Education Proficiency 2.0
    Choose from Music Education Proficiency 3.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Senior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 2.0
    BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.0
    BI 373 Theology 3 3.0
    ED 226 Philosophy of Christian Education 2.0
    MU 471 Senior Music Recital 1.0
    MU 491 Music Education Seminar 1 3.0
    PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home 2.0
    Total 7 15.0
  • Senior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 101 Apologetics 3.0
    BI 211 Acts 2.0
    BI 401 Baptist History and Distinctives 3.0
    MU 492 Music Education Seminar 2 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    Total 5 12.0