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Youth Ministries Concentration

Total Credit Hours
Average Completion Time
4 years

The youth ministries concentration is for those preparing to work in or lead youth programs. In addition to a strong general education and Bible foundation, this curriculum places an emphasis on local church ministry, apologetics, counseling, leadership, and practical ministry skills. This concentration prepares the student for a calling of youth pastor or youth staff.

Interesting Courses

Course ID
YM 101
Credit Hours

This course introduces the basic philosophy, principles, and objectives in developing a Bible-based local church youth ministry. This course will review various options for ministering to youth, including camps, Sunday school, retreats, and youth evangelism. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
YM 113
Credit Hours

This course is designed to show students how to complement their door-to-door soulwinning efforts with special events for evangelism. Students will learn how to organize a vacation Bible school, a bus ministry, a youth camp, and special “big day” events at a local church. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
YM 102
Credit Hours

This course is a continuation of YM 101 and will deal with some of the more intricate areas of youth work. The ministry of the youth pastor and the youth pastor's wife will be studied. A balanced approach to youth work will be taught emphasizing preaching, activities, and Christian service. These ministries will be related to Christian school, public school, and home-schooled teenagers.

Key Faculty

Dr. John Goetsch

Executive Vice President

Paul Chappell

Founder and President

Dr. Jim Schettler

Joshua Camps

Instructor—Bible, Youth, Counseling

Nick Piervicenti

Director of Admissions


Degree Plan

  • Freshman Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 101 Old Testament Survey 3.0
    EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1 3.0
    OR 101 Principles of Christian Living 2.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 111 Personal Evangelism 2.0
    SPCH 101 Freshman Speech 2.0
    YM 101 Philosophy of Youth Ministry 3.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Freshman Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BC 101 Introduction to Biblical Counseling 2.0
    BI 102 New Testament Survey 3.0
    BI 201 Life of Christ 3.0
    BI 231 Introduction to Dispensationalism 2.0
    EN 102 Grammar and Composition 2 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    YM 113 Event Evangelism 2.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Sophomore Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 211 Acts 2.0
    BI 212 Romans 2.0
    BI 371 Theology 1 3.0
    HI 283 US History 1 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    VA 101 Media Foundations 2.0
    Math Elective 3.0
    Total 7 16.0
  • Sophomore Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 301 Science and Faith 2.0
    BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies 2.0
    BI 372 Theology 2 3.0
    MI 101 Introduction to Missions 2.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 321 Homiletics 1 2.0
    YM 102 The Youth Hour 2.0
    Bible Elective (Ladies) 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 9 18.0
  • Junior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BI 250 Genesis 3.0
    BI 373 Theology 3 3.0
    BL 301 Greek 1 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 292 Sermon Preparation 2.0
    PT 311 Christian Marriage and Home 2.0
    PT 341 Bible Lesson Development 2.0
    General Elective 2.0
    Total 8 18.0
  • Junior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    BL 302 Greek 2 3.0
    HI 284 US History 2 3.0
    PT 100 Practical Theology 1.0
    PT 322 Homiletics 2 2.0
    PT 342 Bible Lesson Delivery 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    Youth Elective 2.0
    Total 8 18.0
  • Senior Fall

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 401 Contemporary Theology 3.0
    BC 222 Preventative Youth Counseling 3.0
    BI 401 Baptist History and Distinctives 3.0
    PT 323 Homiletics 3 2.0
    Bible Elective (Ladies) 2.0
    Bible Elective 2.0
    General Elective 3.0
    Total 7 18.0
  • Senior Spring

    Course Code Course Name Credits
    AP 101 Apologetics 3.0
    AP 402 Biblical Ethics 2.0
    BI 313 The Book of Revelation 2.0
    Bible Elective 3.0
    Counseling Elective 3.0
    General Elective 3.0
    Total 6 16.0