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One Year Bible

What if I am not called to full-time ministry?

Number of Credits
32 credits
Total Credit Hours
Average Completion Time
1 year

Regardless of what career God has for your future, it’s important to understand the Bible and be able to share and defend your faith. These classes are the heart of our Bible department and will equip the student with the tools that are needed to adequately know what the Bible teaches. Each of these classes also transfer into any four-year degree program at West Coast Baptist College should God lead the student to further his or her training. Below is a prescribed sequence of course study for this certificate.

The Benefits

  • Learn how to defend your faith.
  • Make life-long friends.
  • Attend daily chapel and Lancaster Baptist Church services and events.
  • Choose nine credits of classes that interest you such as graphic design, photography, English, history, or many others that may be transferable if you don’t complete all four years at WCBC.

Jeff Cannon

In my high school years I knew God wanted me to be a doctor but I wanted to invest a year away from science training and put that into Bible training. That became super vital for the foundation of the rest of my life.

Bethany Claylinde

The One Year Bible Program is valuable to me now that I work a secular job. I am able to rely on what I learned to help me stand up for my faith.


Course ID
AP 101
Credit Hours

This course is designed to give the student a system of principles to defend his faith, as well as present evidences that support the authenticity of the Christian faith. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 101
Credit Hours

This class will give each student an overview of the Old Testament. We will walk through each book, learn its significance, key words, key verses, key truths, and understand its broad outline and application for New Testament believers. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose. Passages of particular doctrinal significance will be examined and discussed. As this is a survey, it is merely introductory in nature. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 110
Credit Hours

This course is a survey of the ten major doctrines of systematic theology. This course can be replaced with BI 361, BI 362, BI 363, or BI 364. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
PT 111
Credit Hours

This course is designed to help the individual student be an effective witness for the Lord. Instruction will be given on how to reach the lost with the gospel. Students will be required to memorize key verses for bringing sinners to Christ and giving them biblical assurance of salvation. Every student must participate in the TEAM soulwinning program of Lancaster Baptist Church. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 102
Credit Hours

This class will give each student an overview of the New Testament. Special emphasis is placed upon authorship, date, and purpose of each book. The student will develop a broad outline for each book. This course will also examine the background and content of each book. Briefly mentioned will be the intertestamental period in order to place the ministry of Jesus Christ into a historical context. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 201
Credit Hours

This course is an in-depth look at the harmonizing of the Gospels. It looks at the major chronological periods in the life of our Lord. The Lord’s life and teachings will be examined with special emphasis on the crucifixion week. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 212
Credit Hours

This course will be an expository study of both the book as well as its applications to the doctrines of the Christian life. Students will be given a general outline of the important doctrinal passages that will be discussed. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 291
Credit Hours

This course will help the student develop sound Bible study methods. It will operate on the premise that the interpretation of Scripture is best understood by other Scripture. The student will learn a method to follow in the process of Bible study. The student will also be involved with hands-on projects applying each step in the process of Bible study. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 112
Credit Hours

Women of the Bible is a survey course focusing on the prominent and not-so-prominent women in Scripture. By looking to the women of the Bible, the students can deepen their understanding of Scripture, experience more of God’s love, recognize His relentless jealousy, and discover His creative ability to bring good out of the most difficult circumstances. Ladies Only. Prerequisite: None

Course ID
BI 241
Credit Hours

The biblical books of Ruth and Esther provide wonderful examples of God’s sovereignty and offer encouragement for Christians to trust His goodness and provision. This course is designed to give a better understanding of who God is, as we study His presence and work in the stories of both Ruth and Esther. As we also learn from the individual characters in these books, we will discover their rare courage, commitment, and risk-taking love for God and His people. Ladies Only. Prerequisite: None

Key Faculty

Dr. John Goetsch

Executive Vice President

Paul Chappell

Founder and President

Rick Houk

Chair of Bible Department