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Biblical Languages

Number of Credits
12-18 credits
Total Credit Hours


Course ID
BL 301
Credit Hours

This is a concentrated introductory course of Koine Greek grammar, vocabulary and syntax. This course is designed to develop a working knowledge of New Testament Greek. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, and EN 102

Course ID
BL 302
Credit Hours

This course is a continuation of BL 301. Special emphasis will be given to the function of case, form, tense, voice, and mood. Some word studies will be done. Prerequisite: BL 301 with a grade of a “C-” or higher

Course ID
BL 401
Credit Hours

Further training in grammar, vocabulary, and syntax will be given. The student will also translate 1 John as part of the course. Prerequisite: BL 302 with a grade of a “C-” or higher

Course ID
BL 402
Credit Hours

Further training in grammar will be given. The student will translate Philippians during the course and will use hermeneutical techniques to get the meaning of passages. Prerequisite: BL 401 with a grade of a “C-” or higher

Course ID
EN 101
Credit Hours

This course teaches English grammar and foundational writing concepts on a college level. Because clear writing is developed through good English basics, this class aids the student in development of clear writing and grammar skills that will be further developed in EN 102. Prerequisite: EN 100 or test scoring requirement met

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

This course is designed to teach the creative art of composition, along with the study and review of word usage and the action of the parts of speech in the written composition. Communicating in a clear, effective, and appropriate manner and writing a collegiate research paper are the objectives of this class. Prerequisite: EN 101