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Expand Your Ministry Influence.

You want to expand your ministry influence. You want to better serve the people God has called you to lead, but finding time to develop your personal capacity is challenging. The online master’s degree program from West Coast Baptist College empowers you to become a more effective leader. It is an affordable way to invest in yourself and prepare for the exponential personal and ministry growth that God has for your future.

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Earn your Master of Religious Education with a concentration in...

Biblical Counseling

The Biblical Counseling concentration is a 33 credit-hour program designed to develop one’s ability to counsel from a strong biblical foundation. This program will develop a student’s grasp of core biblical truths and how they apply to every day counseling situations. Emphasis will be given to application in local church ministry.


Study, conduct advanced research, and learn how to love the Word of God on a deeper level than ever before. Experience the depth of its history and truths, and learn how to apply them in practical ministry.


In the Education Concentration, instructors will learn the various styles of learning and teaching and how to apply them in their classrooms in relevant ways. Help shape the future by teaching the next generation how to live for Christ.

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High-quality and Affordable

At $325 per credit hour, the WCBC master’s program provides concentrated academic instruction and advanced research from highly qualified instructors.

Online Basic Costs

A $100 technology fee will be applied to each term. 

Graduate Testimonials

Kurt Kopeland

Kurt Kopeland, '09

Master of Religious Education, Bible Concentration

"I am thankful for the Ministry of WCBC and the influence on my life.  I am especially thankful for the strong Bible-based Master’s Degree I received from there while still maintaining my ministry.  I was challenged by the depth of the classes as well as stretched to grow more.  Without a doubt, I am better prepared to serve Christ because of this Master’s Program."

John Williams

John Williams, '15

Master of Religious Education, Bible Concentration

"The West Coast Baptist College online master's degree in Bible is professional, practical, and personal. The teachers were great to work with in the process, and all my questions were answered in a timely fashion. The program is very user friendly, and the studies are very complimentary to life in ministry."

Brandon Ewing

Brandon Ewing, '16

Master of Religious Education, Education Concentration

"The master’s program at WCBC is the most practical educational opportunity that I’ve experienced. What I learned in class in the morning I was able to put into practice in our school in the afternoon. It strengthened my mind and my ministry."

Heather Frymier

Heather Frymier

Administrator | Oak Creek, WI

Interaction with Instructors and Other Students

The WCBC online master’s degree program is not just pre-recorded lectures. The program mimics the full classroom experience.

Expand Your Research Skill

Bible students may learn how to broaden and develop research and analytical skills in theology, education, and music. First Timothy 4:13 encourages the growth of the mind in giving attendance to reading, exhortations and doctrine. These may apply practically by reading the Scriptures and in researching biblical truths.

Design Effective Curricula

Learn how to design effective curricula that conforms to particular learning styles and effectively reaches your students.

Develop Your Leadership

Through the avenues of speech, lifestyle, charity, spirit, faith and purity, the Christian leader can grow his skills and use them to not only fight and win his own battles, but to also encourage those around him as well.

Is Online Learning for Me?

Download this free resource to find out.

Here are some questions to consider before jumping into an online learning program.


Featured Skill Sets

I’m a youth pastor

Here’s how the program helped me in ministry. As a youth pastor, I get asked a lot of different questions every week. I need to know how to answer these questions biblically and to give a reason of why we do things the Bible way. This program has helped me grow in understanding of deep issues and in teaching our young people Biblical truths.

  • Teaching
  • Administration
  • Philosophy

I’m an assistant pastor and Bible class leader

Here’s how the program helped me in ministry. Through intense study of the Scriptures, I can teach deeper truths of the Bible to my Sunday school class. It was a thrill to see their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God grow as I applied various lessons that I have learned myself. I can help my pastor with counseling during a busy season and be a more effective administrator.

  • Research
  • Lesson preparation
  • Theology
  • Bible
  • Advanced hermeneutics
  • Advanced research skills
  • Administration
  • Counseling
  • Apologetics
  • Theology
  • Education
  • Advanced hermeneutics
  • Advanced research skills
  • Administration
  • Counseling
  • Student evaluation
  • Teaching methods

Graduate Studies

The purpose of the West Coast Baptist College master’s program is to provide students with an deeper level of learning without losing a zeal for practical ministry. The curriculum places a greater burden on the student to research the subject matter so as to better equip him for the ministry.

If you are taking this course on campus, the tuition and room and board costs will be identical to the cost of the undergraduate program for the normal load of 12–18 hours. The same fees will apply to this program, and books must be purchased separately. If you are taking these courses online, then you will pay the $325 per credit hour as well as a technology fee.

An undergraduate degree from an approved college is a prerequisite for entrance into this program. To enroll in this program, an application must be submitted to the Admissions office. Students who are seniors at West Coast Baptist College in the undergraduate program may begin to work on their Master’s degree during their senior year if their schedule permits, and they are approved by the Administration. Candidates for each master’s program must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to fulfill the requirement for graduation.