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Course ID: CS 103

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is a study of the Microsoft Office 2010 software. In particular, it includes PowerPoint and Word. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: CS 110

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 110

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course teaches students the basics of the computer and gives them a beginning level of typing skill. The class will help them to understand what can be accomplished with a computer in the ministry. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 201

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course gives methods of office management, including supply purchasing, delegation of work, office machines, receptionist skills, itineraries, personal relations, personality development, work ethics, and etiquette. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 222

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is a study of Microsoft Access. Introductory concepts of creating and maintaining a church database will be studied. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 223

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course is designed to equip the student with hard and soft administrative skills. Lessons focusing on hard skills include time and project management, telephone and email techniques, maintaining an annual calendar, producing excellent correspondence, and processing mailings. Soft skill training includes communication and relationships in the office, professionalism, etiquette, and ethics. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 231

Credit Hours: 2.00

Gaining practical ministry experience, students will demonstrate mastery of grammar, punctuation, proofreading, and editing skills as they efficiently type a variety of professional communications within specific time constraints. A fee of $30 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: CS 110 and EN 101

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: CS 401

Credit Hours: 3.00

This capstone course in the Secretarial and Office Administration concentrations provides the student with mentoring in a hands-on office environment. During this training, the student will be able to put into practice what has been taught in the classroom under the supervision of office personnel in local church ministries. Prerequisite: CS 102, CS 103, CS 110, CS 201, CS 223, CS 231, EN 102

Course Type: Clerical and Secretarial Skills

Course ID: VA 110

Credit Hours: 2.00

In this course, the nature of creativity will be explored along with influences on creative potential from external stimuli. Creative exercises will be completed as a basis for developing patterns of personal creative thinking with the result of establishing a framework to assist with the analysis and solution of complex problems. Types of personal creativity will be defined and students will learn how to increase their creative potential. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Creativity

Course ID: VA 111

Credit Hours: 2.00

Technical sketching for design, creating prototypes, and planning projects are all components of this course. Concept Development also instructs the student in planning and performing structured user testing, sequencing and priority management, and communicating objectives by drafting project briefs. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Creativity

Course ID: VA 212

Credit Hours: 2.00

In this course, the student will learn the most common story archetypes and how to effectively use the storytelling model as a pattern to communicate through digital media, including web pages, video content, graphics, and photography series which tell a story to the viewer. Each student will create content that demonstrates the process of establishing identity, introducing conflict and conflict resolution, and providing a call-to-action for the viewer. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Creativity

Course ID: VA 213

Credit Hours: 2.00

Research is a key component of the production of any informed visual work. Through this course, the student will learn how to perform structured, academic and visual research, and how to establish mood, theme, genre, and other communicative aspects of the new work. Consideration will be given to the use of inspiration boards and guidelines for the attribution of visual works. Design Research Methods allows the student to incorporate an informed approach to applied research. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, and EN 102

Course Type: Creativity

Course ID: ED 226

Credit Hours: 2.00

What makes Christian education different from secular education? What is the foundation of Christian teaching and methodology? How does Christian education fit with the home and church? These and many other areas of philosophy will be studied in this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 251

Credit Hours: 3.00

We will seek to equip future teachers to creatively and passionately use a variety of methods and materials to achieve optimum learning and comprehension in the classroom. This course explains the materials and methods used in teaching, emphasizing practical techniques and skills needed by the effective teacher. A fee of $100 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 301

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will study the special characteristics and needs of children from birth to age 18 from a Christian perspective. Special emphasis is given to effective methods used in training children at various stages of educational development. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 304

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed to show the future elementary school teacher how to use phonics. This course gives prospective teachers the ability to develop students’ reading skills and a healthy desire to read. It will give teachers the necessary tools to help their students acquire the foundational skills in reading, spelling, grammar, and cursive writing. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 306

Credit Hours: 3.00

Students will understand the inter-relationship of the language arts and tools to help elementary students acquire skills in spelling, grammar, syntax, manuscript writing, and composition. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 323

Credit Hours: 2.00

Designed as an introductory course to develop a sensitive understanding of exceptional learners and unique approaches to ensure student achievement, emphasis will be placed on instructional strategies, curriculum adaptation, and multi-tiered systems of support. The course scope includes history and legislation, intellectual and developmental disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, speech and language disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, autism, physical disabilities and other health impairments, and gifted and talented. Differentiated assessments and IEPs will also be addressed. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 337

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed for students pursuing a degree in elementary education. The purpose of this course is to develop future teachers to be confidently prepared for the first year of teaching. Effective principles of teaching and classroom management will be covered. After a time of instruction and training, students will be mentored, observed, and evaluated in the classroom to assist in their professional development as future Christian educators. Prerequisite: ED 304 and EN 102

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 338

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed for future teachers to cultivate skills necessary to create an environment which fosters spiritual development and academic learning. Students will examine philosophical foundations, research contemporary best practices, and learn how to implement practical procedures for effective management of a secondary classroom. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 402

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will enable students to effectively teach Bible at preschool and elementary levels. A variety of instructional methods will be modelled, and students will engage in the practical implementation of these methods in teaching scriptural songs, verses, stories and truths. Prerequisite: EN 102; 64 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 403

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course presents instruction and methodology for both technology used by the teacher to enhance the presentation and organization of teaching materials as well as technology used by the student to aid in the learning process. Students will learn how to create and present instructional visuals effectively and how to implement technology to assist student collaboration and evaluation. A hands-on component will provide the students with practical teaching experience using technology. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 411

Credit Hours: 9.00

During the final semester of the senior year, the student will be required to participate in a student teaching internship at Lancaster Baptist School. This course includes observation, participation, and teaching in the classroom under the direction and supervision of the regular classroom teacher and faculty supervisor. A fee of $45 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: ED 337 or ED 338, 96 credits earned, and 50 hours of classroom observation

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 412

Credit Hours: 9.00

This course is taken during the senior year as an alternative to ED 411 and allows the student to participate in student teaching at an approved Christian school. The course includes observation, participation, and teaching in the classroom under the direction and supervision of the regular classroom teacher and faculty supervisor. An External Student Teaching Application must be submitted and approved by the WCBC administration prior to the student teaching experience. Prerequisite: ED 337 or ED 338, 96 credits earned, and 50 hours of classroom observation

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 430

Credit Hours: 3.00

This is a senior-level course designed for elementary and secondary education concentrations. Teacher preparation in and out of the classroom is a major component of this course, both philosophically and practically. Topics will include teaching skill, student interaction, classroom and lesson preparation, mentoring students, creating a desire to learn, healthy expectations of student achievement, application of material, use of visuals and modalities, and training students for the future. The instruction will come from selected professors having at least twenty-five years of experience each. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 441, ED 450, and ED 451

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 441

Credit Hours: 2.00

This block course is designed for seniors with a concentration in education. Emphasis will be placed on the systematic process of evaluation in the classroom. Through this course, the student will gain the knowledge and tools required for creating, administering, and utilizing learning assessments. The student will also ascertain how to apply the knowledge gained through assessment to future instruction, intervention, and parent communication. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 450, and ED 451

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 450

Credit Hours: 1.00

This class is a “block” class designed for education concentrations in their senior year. This class provides an opportunity for teachers to focus on inculcating God’s word into every subject. Students are reminded that “Bible” is not to be a separate class in the curriculum of a Christian school, but that it should be included in every class. This course places an emphasis on teachers learning how to put God and the Bible at the center of their individual lives. As a result, God and the Bible can properly fill every area of the teacher’s life and instruction. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 441, and ED 451

Course Type: Education

Course ID: ED 451

Credit Hours: 1.00

This is a senior-level course designed for elementary and secondary education concentrations. This course meets for half a semester. Primary areas of emphasis are: 1) examining and testing modalities of students; 2) examining the various methods of teaching that may be utilized in the classroom; 3) studying the areas of the brain and how they relate to modes of learning and memory; and 4) developing lessons to make learning “stick,” meaning the knowledge and skills taught are more readily remembered by the student. Assignments include reading the course text, comparing certain pages to Scripture, researching learning modalities, and writing detailed lesson plans that exhibit a “sticky” learning paradigm. Prerequisite: 96 credits earned; Corequisite: ED 430, ED 441, and ED 450

Course Type: Education

Course ID: EN 100

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed to give foundational groundwork for grammatical structure and use as well as preparatory guidelines for English Grammar and Composition. This course, a general elective, does not fulfill the English requirements. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: English

Course ID: EN 101

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course teaches English grammar and foundational writing concepts on a college level. Because clear writing is developed through good English basics, this class aids the student in development of clear writing and grammar skills that will be further developed in EN 102. Prerequisite: EN 100 or test scoring requirement met

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 102

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course is designed to teach the creative art of composition, along with the study and review of word usage and the action of the parts of speech in the written composition. Communicating in a clear, effective, and appropriate manner and writing a collegiate research paper are the objectives of this class. Prerequisite: EN 101

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 201

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course builds on the previous grammar and composition foundation students received in EN 101 and EN 102. Students will review essentials of grammar and analyze their use in the sentence. They will also analyze basic elements of paragraph construction and clear writing skills and implement these components in writing exercises. An overview of the development of the English language will also be given. Prerequisite: EN 101 and EN 102

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 270

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will evaluate British literature for its style, content, and value in relationship to Christianity. The class will give the student an appreciation for the content and literary style of the British writers. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 280

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will evaluate American literature for its style, content, and value, specifically for the Christian student and teacher. The class will give the student an appreciation for the content and literary style of American authors. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 321

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course introduces the student to a survey of works, philosophies, and authors that have shaped world literature. The curriculum is designed to aid the Christian student in his development as a literate member of society, his range as a future educator, and his understanding of works that have influenced the world he is called to reach. Major works of literature from ancient to modern eras will be introduced and evaluated from a biblical perspective. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 370

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course provides an overview of the various forms of creative writing. Students will study and practice a wide variety of creative writing forms, including poetry, short stories, drama, and ministry writing. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 403

Credit Hours: 2.00

Students in this course will analyze Shakespearean literature through the famous bard’s dramas and sonnets. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive working knowledge of Shakespeare’s dominating ideas in his works. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 404

Credit Hours: 2.00

Students will learn the skill of evaluating children’s literature by studying popular children’s nursery rhymes, fairytales, poetry, short stories, and novels. Students will also learn how to produce an original children’s book. A fee of $75 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 410

Credit Hours: 3.00

Students will learn principles of teaching in a classroom arena as well as preparing lesson plans and actually teaching before their peers. Confidence in the classroom and confidence in English curriculum is emphasized in this course. Prerequisite: EN 102, 270 and 280; 64 credits earned

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EN 422

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will provide the student with the necessary tools of researching and writing. The student will learn to write different genres for the many purposes that the ministry requires. A fee of $75 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 102 and EN 370; 96 credits earned

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: English

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency

Course ID: EV 210

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will study the periods of revival that have taken place in American history from the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth through the present. The Great Awakenings, the frontier revivals and camp meetings, and the “Prayer Meeting” revival of the middle 1800s will be studied in detail, along with the men who had a part in them. Concentration will be placed on the surprising work that God did during these times rather than on any specific methods or styles of preaching. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Evangelism

Course ID: EV 221

Credit Hours: 3.00

This course will introduce young men to the field of evangelism. The role of the evangelist in the local church, his ministry, his relationship to the pastor, and his preaching will be studied. The scriptural basis for the ministry of evangelism will be studied along with some of the men in the past who have faithfully fulfilled that role. Men Only. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: Evangelism

Gender Restriction: Men Only

Course ID: EV 301

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will look at the evangelist’s personal and itinerant schedule. How to schedule meetings, how to conduct the meeting, his methods of preaching, invitations, and personal counseling will be studied. Concentration will be placed on his role in the local church as a help to the pastor within the context of a revival meeting. Men Only. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Evangelism

Gender Restriction: Men Only

Course ID: EV 310

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will look at youth work, how to effectively reach teenagers for Christ, and how to disciple them. Philosophy of youth work including preaching, activities, and training will be studied. Men Only. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Evangelism

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Gender Restriction: Men Only

Course ID: EV 410

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will teach how the evangelist is to conduct himself in relationship to his home church, the local churches where he preaches, and the people within that church. Areas of counseling, finances, family, and friendships will be covered. Men Only. Prerequisite: EN 102

Course ID
EN 102
Credit Hours

Course Type: Evangelism

Gender Restriction: Men Only

Course ID: VA 221

Credit Hours: 2.00

Graphic design is a fundamental skill in media. This course will provide the students with the opportunity to learn to design graphics to enhance print and web media. Graphic design principles and techniques will be studied to learn how to effectively communicate visually. Modern trends and techniques will be studied to keep graphics looking current. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 102

Course Type: Graphic Design

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 223

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course covers the basics of typography, the use of letters and type to effectively communicate in graphic and web design. It will briefly cover the history of type and the printing press, the fundamentals of designing with type, practical applications for typography in graphic and web design, and best practices of copy design and layout. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 221

Course Type: Graphic Design

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 322

Credit Hours: 2.00

Building on the concepts presented in Graphic Design 1, this course will examine the connection between visual elements and effective visual communication. Advanced skills of form, line, hierarchy, and grid will be presented and expanded. Individual applications of graphic design will be addressed along with creative solutions applicable to each. Students will explore the creative process and specific uses of design in other forms of media. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 221

Course Type: Graphic Design

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 324

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will provide the student with knowledge of industry standard software for professional print layout and design, principles unique to designing for print, and technology involved in the printing process. Throughout the course, students will receive hands-on training by designing a variety of print pieces. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: VA 221

Course Type: Graphic Design

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: VA 425

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course will provide the student with a working knowledge of branding and logo design. The student will be able to effectively design a brand for a church or ministry that communicates that ministry’s purpose statement and identity. Color theory and visual communication skills will be developed through this course. A fee of $50 will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Prerequisite: EN 101 with a grade of a “C” or higher, EN 102, and VA 223

Course Type: Graphic Design

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies

Course ID: HI 205

Credit Hours: 2.00

This course provides a physical-cultural study of the earth and mankind and is designed to review the world map. Basic to the perspective of this course is the conviction that God is the Creator of the earth and of man. Discussions of the topography and political divisions of the continents will help students discover the variety of cultures including vastly differing forms of government and economic systems around the world today and learn how physical features of the earth, climate, natural resources, human activities and customs affect the political, economic, and social character of nations and regions. More importantly, through the study of these varied cultures, the course will help students to understand the importance of man’s relationship to God and to develop a greater burden for this world’s lost souls. Students will also find incorporated in each lesson practical, biblical truths for daily living. Prerequisite: None

Course Type: History

Proficiency Categories: General Proficiencies, Secondary Education First Proficiency, Secondary Education Second Proficiency